Art, life, and fashion

In 1915, Hans Siemens, a German journalist, editor and publicist, stated in his avant- garde and modernist magazine Zeist-Echo: The deepest connection. " (Siemens 1915). More than 100 years later , his statement is still accurate and high relevant: for the past few years, we have been collaborating and encouraging each other in various fields of fashion, as well as in various field. Therefore, Simon's century-old statement can still be considered more accurate today. Fashion can be linked with the music industry , with the film, not with the film industry, but also with the genre of high-budget "fashion movies", with a variety of art scenes, and with memory institutions such as museums. Is.  How Art and in 1995, almost 80 years after Simon's statement, Elaine Ribeiro appears to be interpreting it as she writes in her inspiring works The Art of Dress: "Fashion serves as a link between life and art. Is"(Ribeiro 1995, p. 5). However , it interesting to note that the period of his study is between 1750 and 1820, i.e. more than the understanding that fashion combines life and art, this article will look at fashion exhibitions, and in its place, or field - they 

The place where this connection exhibits art objects, and to some extent, object of everyday life, makes the museum an interesting place for the aesthetic and the immoral, the connection they are the  manifestation of both. In the 21st century, however , their role has change: Fashion and clothing have another meaning today , the garment and textile industries being the two most polluted and exploitative industries. Fashion is a product that is extremely harmful to our natural environment, and it is a product that is harming and destroying people's lives and health, causing many injuries and deaths from deadly and toxic substances. Getting sick Handing and / or performing unsafe tasks. Places. So, fashion today is more about life than life itself. In fact, fashion is tied to concepts that are worth living and which are not. A century before Siemens made its observation. Place of departure, museum. Dedicated to a place and clothing
Now it has become democratic. This "democracy" was largely combined with the mass production of ready-to- wear goods within the fast-growing fashion industry, its growing proliferation, and visual displays. Fashion has both an immaterial and material identity: it is being promoted in fashion magazines and news popular mediums as the ideal image that will make the  film, and its production rate new technology such as manageable sewing machines. Will increase due to the  invention of. And so, fashion is being visually promoted in various forms of advertising that is, it because highly mediate and soon after, made available in stores and through post -order catalogs, and it's always easier and chapter for many people. Already in the mid-nineteenth century, some cities in the Western world become famous for their large production of ready- to-wear goods, and these cities come to promote the entire garment district where a dominant social group: young immigrants Women and children's. Cites like Paris in France Manchester in the UK. Which is known as the "Cotton Police" because of  its dominance of the cotton market.  Chicago, Philadelphia and New York in the United States: Berlin in Germany And Sweden, Norrkoping, to name a few, quickly became a hub for textile and apparel production. 
And workers are exploited who work 12-14 hectares a day for less money, and in extremely unhealthy and dangerous conditions. William  Leach , in his Land of Desire since 1993, writes that "the evolution of the fashion world has in fact been the most exploitative, the most back-breaking, and the most sweaty industry in all American  business"(Leach 1993,page 94) Here, America can been exchanged With many other nations : every evolution of  fashion depended on these parameters, and the exploiters were much the  same: poor, working class women and children, living such a life, Forced to be uninhabitable. In 1845, under the working conditions of  his working class in  England, Friedrich Engels writes:


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